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The International Poetry Festival Europa in Versi, in collaboration with La Casa della Poesia di Como launches the 10th edition of the


For information write an e-mail to
or call +39 371 1092926
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday

As usual, the Prize aims to scout new talents or talents who deserve greater visibility on our social channels and on the websites and

Absolute winners of both published Poetry and published Fiction will receive a prize of 500.00 Euros.

For all sections dedicated to unpublished texts, the winner of each section will have the opportunity to publish it free of charge with I Quaderni del Bardo editions by Stefano Donno.

The Prize falls into 4 sections:

  • Unpublished poetry
  • Published poetry
  • Unpublished fiction
  • Published fiction

The jury is composed as follows:

President of the Jury for Poetry
Milo De Angelis, poet

President of the Jury for Fiction
prof. Gianmarco Gaspari, Professor of Italian Literature University of Insubria DiSUIT - Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory - Director of the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities University of Insubria

Elisabetta Broli, journalist and writer
Stefano Donno, publisher
Bruno Galluccio, poet
Roberto Galaverni, literary critic and culture editor with Corriere della Sera
Laura Garavaglia, poet and journalist, director of the International Poetry Festival
Europa in versi
Roberto Valsecchi, philosopher

The decision of the jury cannot be questioned. The jury has a right not to attribute one or more prizes indicated in these rules, providing a reason for the decision.

The Prize is open to Italian and foreign authors who have turned 18 when enrolling in the competition.

Works must be sent in by 30th March 2025.

The overall winning authors and finalists of the various sections will be awarded in Como at end of May, on a date to be announced, at an event open to the public.



The jury examined the many works received and came to the definition of the selection of the finalists and absolute winners for the sections PUBLISHED POETRY, UNPUBLISHED POETRY, UNPUBLISHED POETRY IN DIALECT, UNPUBLISHED YOUNG POETRY, PUBLISHED NARRATIVE, UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE, YOUNG UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE.

Among the works received for the PUBLISHED POETRY section, the jury decided to proclaim
Stefano Boldorini, Il migliore dei mondi, Pequod
Alessandro Catà, Alla fine del giorno, Moretti & Vitali

Danila Di Croce, Ciò che vedo è la luce, Pequod
Paolo Pistoletti, Al di qua di noi, Arcipelago Itaca

The jury also decided to signal the works of the following authors:

Carlo Boassa, Dalla buca-Speranze Suggerite, AnimaMundi
Giovanni Bracco, Madrigali, La Vita Felice Editore
Giuliano Cappuzzo, Poesie, Edizioni ETS
Maria Pina Ciancio, D’argilla e neve, Ladolfi Editore
Marianna Deganutti, La mia lingua nelle tue parole, Mladika di Trieste
Silvia Elena Di Donato, Paradigmi della complessità, DiFelice Edizioni
Donato Di Poce, Sulle tracce della poesia, IQdB
Raffaele Floris, La macchina del tempo, Puntoacapo
Gisella Genna, Rarefazione, peQuod
Andrea Lanfranchi, Trilogia dell’acqua, peQuod
Giorgia Mastropasqua, Al mondo vuoto, Controluna
Marco Mittica, Le leggi dei padri, RP libri
Piero Nissim, Sonetti ebraici, Salomone Belforte
Antonella Palermo, Il giunco e la statua, Vydia Editore
Carlo Rettore, La tea coverta. La terra coperta, Puntoacapo
Rosa Maria Salvia, “Ora che sei ombra, Arcipelago Itaca
Patrizia Santi, Quarta Emanazione, Le Voci della Luna/qudu libri
Anna Settevendemmie, Spazialità -Scavi dell’avvocato spaziale, peQuod

Among the works received for the UNPUBLISHED POETRY section, the jury decided to proclaim
Alfredo Rienzi, Ci troveremo un’altra volta ancora, Ho attraversato la sua forma, Ha chiesto lembi di luna la cura

Elisabetta Liberatore, In questo tempo bucato, Padre e deserto, Le nostre voci
Giancarlo Stoccoro, Corpo in ombra, silloge

The jury also decided to signal the works of the following authors:

Simone Beghi, L’opinione degli oggetti
Giancarlo Busso, Campagne
Letizia Di Cagno, Deve sembrare un’esigenza, Volevo uscire prima che il tempo spaccasse, Come una fragile porcellana
Domenico Fadda, Biblioteca dell’incongruo
Francesca Maria Federici, Diventare grandi
Sergio Gallo, Alamogordo
Yael Merlini, La scrittura che sa di animale
Monica Mutti, Dopo la prima morte, Nondimeno, La luna gibbosa
Massimo Parolini, Natura morta in verde
Sara Sensi, “I Paradisi immutabili, Magnolia, Risuona la campana

Among the works received for the UNPUBLISHED POETRY IN DIALECT section, the jury decided to proclaim
Marino Beltrame, U pestu e l’infinìu (Il pesto e l’infinito), silloge

Guido De Paolis, Mani viola, L’urdema fenestra
Mario Mottolese, Vierne, Aprile, Suse alli vosche

Among the works received for the UNPUBLISHED YOUNG POETRY section, the jury decided to proclaim
Kamil Sanders, Annuario, silloge

Jacopo Pattarello, Prima forma, silloge
Antonio Vendramini, Vagilli, silloge

Among the works received for the PUBLISHED NARRATIVE section, the jury decided to proclaim
Scialpi Fabio, Nome e cognome, Robin Edizioni

Di Noia Giovanni, Appuntamento con la verità, Armando Curcio Editore
Todini Raffaele, L’aspro sapore dei limoni, Albatros Il Filo

Among the works received for the UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE section, the jury decided to proclaim
Emilia Montevecchi, Eva

Sabrina Guerrieri, Alice e le altre
Luigi  Benso Pierdomenico, La solitudine di Eleonora

The jury also decided to signal the works of the following authors:

Carlo Bosso, La bestia dentro
Fabio Cavanna, In Cygni alias
Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli, Ruit Hora
Cristina Elena Kontoglou, Impuri riflessi
Giorgio Ronco, La solitudine di Ernesto e altri racconti
Sergio Sinesi, Vendo casa

Among the works received for the YOUNG UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE section, the jury decided to proclaim
Valentina Colombo, Uno schizzo nelle tenebre

Sara Bragantini, Fiammiferi


14th Edition International Poetry Festival
Artistic direction of Laura Garavaglia

23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 may 2024



Thursday 23 May 2024

h. 6 p.m. The Art Company Como, Via Borgovico 163 (cortile interno)
Nature and Beauty: Horizons of Poetry
Meeting with the poet Davide Rondoni. Presented by and in dialogue with the guest Stefano Donno, vicepresident of La Casa della poesia di Como ODV.

Friday 24 May 2024

h. 9 a.m. Grand’Aula del Liceo Alessandro Volta
Poetry videos by young people: a new way of interpreting poetry
(Meeting reserved for students)

h. 11 a.m. Aula Magna of the University of Insubria
via Sant’Abbondio 12, Como
Poetry in motion: a bridge between cultures
Intercultural dialogue between students and guest poets of the Festival.

h. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
piazza Cavour 3, Milano
Poetry and culture: a poetic dialogue between Italy and Korea
Meeting between Italian and Korean poets as part of the celebrations of 140 years
of diplomatic relations between Italy and Korea.

Sabato 25 maggio 2024

ore 9:00 Aula Magna of Liceo Teresa Ciceri, via Carducci 9, Como
Poetry and young people: boundless creative expression
(Meeting reserved for students)

from h. 3.30 p.m. Pinacoteca Civica di Como, Via Diaz 84
Poetry in motion: a multisensory experience
Introduced by Roberto Galaverni, cultural journalist for Corriere della Sera and literary critic.
International poetry reading, musical interludes by Maestro Giovanni Cantaluppi and exhibition of works inspired by the poems by the students of Liceo Artistico I.S.I. S. Carcano.
Award ceremony for the winners and finalists of the Europa Prize for Poetry and Fiction in Verse and Prose.

Sunday 26 May 2024

h. 10.15 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Camnago Volta, Como
Poetry in motion: a bridge between poetry, science and nature
A walk through Camnago Volta with a grand finale at the clearing next to Ponte dei Bottini. In collaboration with the Associazione Sentiero dei Sogni.

from 6 p.m. Villa Sormani Marzorati Uva, piazza Sormani 1, Missaglia (LC)
Poetry: an art form without boundaries
Poetic dialogue between the audience, the poets and Roberto Galaverni, literary critic for Corriere della Sera.

Martedì 28 maggio 2024

h. 5 p.m. Consulate General of Mexico, Corso Matteotti 1, Milano
La poesia messicana contemporanea
Contemporary Mexican poetry. Meeting with the poet, narrator, essayist Marco Antonio Campos. The author dialogues with Emilio Coco, poet and translator. Some Italian poets will be present.
Free entry, reservation required.


FREE ADMISSION subject to availability
Reservation required for events at the consulates. | +39 3711092926

In some of the events, students from the University of Insubria in Como and students from ENAIP in Como will be involved in welcoming the poets and the audience

Initiative implemented as part of the University of Insubria’s programme to promote cultural and recreational activities for students



Dongho Choi

Born in Suwon, Korea, is a Poet and Literary Critic. Currently he is a member of the National Academy of Arts, Republic of Korea. He is a Distinguished Professor at Kyungnam Univ. Korea and a Professor Emeritus at Korea Univ. Korea. He earned Ph.D (Korean Literature) from Korea Univ. Korea. He was Dean of Graduate School, Korea Univ. He was a Visiting Scholar at UCLA, and Waseda Univ. where he studies the comparative study of Eastern and Western literature. He participated in IWP(The International Writing Program) at the Univ. of Lowa. He has u several major prizes and distinctions, including the Modern Buddhist Literary Award, the Daesan Literary Award, the Park Dujin Literary Award, the Gosan Yun Sundo Literary Award, the Yusim Literary Award, the Manhae Grand Prize for Literature and Art, the Kim Satgot Literary Award, the Gjenima Prize for Literature (USA), and the Jung Jiyong Literary Award. He is the founding president of the Poetry Loving Society and the President of the Society of Korean Poets. He is the Councilor of the Society of Korean Poets, the Chief Editor of Lyric Poetry and Poetics (Quarterly), Chair of Changwon KC International Literary Prize, and member of Managing Committee of Hoam Award, and President of KS World Poetry Festival. As a poet, he produced a considerable body of literary works including Wind of Yellow Sand, A Morning Desk, Where is the Woodpecker Hidden, Dharma Plays Ball and Korean Jewel Beetle in Blaze, A Face of Ice, Monarch Butterfly, and Golden Fallen Leaves. As an international poet, his poetry have been translated into as many languages ss Italian with the book Zen Buddhistic Poems – Poesie buddiste zen (I Quaderni del Bardo di Stefano Donno, 2022).


Kooseul Kim

Is a poet and Professor Emerita of English Literature at Hyupsung University, Korea. She earned a Ph.D in English literature from Korea University. At Hyupsung University, she served as Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as Dean of the Graduate School. She has been a Visiting Scholar at UCLA. She earned the Hongjae Literary Grand Prize, the Suwon Literary Prize and a Special Prize in Europa in Versi. She is currently the Changwon KC International Literary Prize Committee Chair and Organizing Committee Vice Chair, as well as the Suwon KS International Literary Prize Committee Chair. She has contributed the "Kim Kooseul Column" to Kyunggi Newspaper and has provided English translations of Korean poetry for the quarterly Suwon Literature.
She is Advisor and Vice President for the Society of East-West Comparative Literature, as well as Advisor for the T.S. Eliot Society of Korea, for which she has also served as President. As a poet and a scholar of English literature, she has produced a considerable body of literary work. Her poems have been translated into several languages, including Italian with the book Lost Alleys – Viali perduti (I Quaderni del Bardo di Stefano Donno, 2022).


Son Jeoung Soon

Son Jeoung Soon made her literary debut by winning the 2001 Munhaksasang award for Aspiring Poet. She earned a Ph.D in Korean literature from Korea University.
Her book publications include The Sixth Road Meeting the East Sea (poetry book), Aesthetics of White Shadows: Kim Jiha’s Lyric Poetry, Modernity of Mokwol Poetry, Integrated Writing in Cultural Arena, and Reading Today’s Movies in Cultural Scenes.
She has received awards such as the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Award for Magazine professionals, and the 1st Hallyu Arts Award. Currently she teaches at Korea University and Chugye University, working as a publisher, cultural and arts planner, and serving as the publisher of the monthly cultural magazine Cultura.


Jong hoon Kim

Poet, literary critic, and Ph.D. in literature. Born in Seoul in 1972.In 2006, he debuted with his literary criticism in the journal Creation and Criticism and in 2013 with his poetry in the journal Lyric Poetry. He is a professor of Korean literature at Korea University. Books include The Origin and Formation of Modern Korean Lyric Poetry, To the Future Lyric, Reading Precise Poetry, and Return of the Poetic.



Marco Antonio Campos

(Mexico City, 1949) is a poet, storyteller, essayist and translator. He has published the books of poetry: Muertos y disfraces (1974), Una seña en la sepultura (1978), Monólogos (1985), La ceniza en la frente (1979), Los adioses del forastero (1996), Viernes en Jerusalén (2005), Dime dónde, en qué país (2010) and De lo poco de vida (2016). He is the author of a book of aphorisms (Árboles) and a book of mini-fiction (El señor Mozart y un tren de brevedades). He has translated, among others, 33 books of poetry. His books of poetry have been translated into English, French, German, Italian, Dutch and Romanian. He has prepared anthologies of Ramón López Velarde, Jaime Sabines, Eduardo Lizalde, Juan Bañuelos and Antonio Cisneros.   He has won the mexican awards Xavier Villaurrutia (1992), Nezahualcóyotl (2005) and Nacional de Letras Sinaloa (2013), the Ibero-American Ramón López Velarde (2010), and in Spain the Premio Casa de América (2005) for the book Viernes en Jerusalén, the Premio del Tren Antonio Machado (2008) for the poem 'Aquellas cartas' and the Premio Ciudad de Melilla (2009) for the book Dime dónde, en qué país. In 2004, the Chilean government awarded him the Pablo Neruda Centenary Presidential Medal. In 2014, the Montreal Poetry Festival in Montreal, Quebec, awarded him the Lèvres Urbaines Prize, in Quito, Ecuador, he was awarded the Paralelo Cero International Poetry Festival Prize (2018), at the Bucharest International Poetry Festival the Anton Pann Prize (2019) and last December he was awarded the Bellas Artes Medal in Literature 2022. He is a researcher at the Centro de Estudios Literarios del Instituto de Filológicas de la UNAM and a member of the Académie Mallarmé in Paris since 2005. The book of poems Così in là, così lontano (Tan allá, tan lejos), translated by Emilio Coco (I Quaderni de Bardo by Stefano Donno, 2024), has recently been published.



Davide Rondoni

Davide Rondoni (Forlì 1964) has published several volumes of poetry: La natura del bastardo (Mondadori 2016), Il bar del tempo (Guanda 1999), Avrebbe amato chiunque (Guanda 2003), Compianto, vita (Marietti 2004), Apocalisse amore (Mondadori 2008), Le parole accese - per ragazzi (Rizzoli 2008), 3. Tommaso, Paolo, Michelangelo (Marietti 2009), Rimbambimenti (Raffaelli 2010), Si tira avanti solo con lo schianto (WhiteFly 2013), Cinque donne e un'onda (Ianieri 2015), with which he won the major poetry prizes in Italy. He is translated in various countries around the world in volume and magazine form. He contributes to poetry programmes on radio and TV (Rai, Sky, tv2000, San Marino RTV) to the writing of films and high-tech experience exhibitions and to some newspapers as a columnist. He founded the Centre for Contemporary Poetry at the University of Bologna and the journal ”clanDestino”. His recent volumes of essays are: Che cos'è la natura? chiedetelo ai poeti (Fazi, 2022) E come il vento. L'infinito.  Lo strano bacio del poeta al mondo, (Fazi 2019), Noi, il ritmo. Taccuino di un poeta per la danza (e per una danzatrice) (La nave di Teseo 2019), Il fuoco della poesia (Rizzoli 2008), Nell'arte vivendo (Marietti 2012), L'amore non è giusto (Carta Canta 2013), Contro la letteratura (Bompiani 2016), L'allodola e il fuoco. Le 50 poesie che mi hanno acceso la vita (La Nave di Teseo 2017), Salvare la poesia della vita (Edizioni Messaggero Padova 2018). He directs the series "I Passatori - Contrabbando di poesia" for CartaCanta and other poetry series for Marietti. He is the author of theatre and translations (Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Péguy, Jiménez, Shakespeare and others). He has participated in international poetry festivals in many countries. He has also published several books of fiction and essays.

Photo credits: Giovanni Gastel


Emilio Coco

Born in S. Marco in Lamis (FG), he is a hispanist, poet and translator. He is the author of several anthologies of spanish poetry and three volumes of Spanish theatre. He has also published anthologies of Italian poetry translated into spanish in Mexico, Spain and Colombia. The latest, La poesía del siglo XX en Italia was published in 2017 by Visor in Madrid. With the publisher Walter Raffaelli, he has published florileges of catalan, mexican, colombian, cuban, honduran, bolivian, ecuadorian, costarican poetry and Il fiore della poesia latinoamericana d'oggi in three volumes. At the same publisher, he directs the “Hispano-American” poetry series. As a poet, he has published twelve books in Spain and Latin America, and seven in Italy, gathered under the title Poesie 1990-2020 (2021), Il tempo di mettermi in cammino (Passigli 2021), translated into spanish as El tiempo de emprender el camino (Pigmalión, Madrid), La casa (La vita felice, 2023). He has won several prizes and awards. In 2003, he was awarded the title of Commander of the Order “Alfonso X el Sabio” by King Juan Carlos I, one of the highest honours granted in Spain for cultural merit. In 2016, he was awarded the Ramón López Velarde International Prize in Mexico. He has been translated into twelve languages and has participated in numerous poetry festivals in Spain, France, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua, Honduras, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Turkey.


Antonella Carmen Caggiano

Lives in Pescara (Abruzzo, Italy), where she has been teaching since 2016. She has collaborated with Il Roma and Il giornale di Napoli, becoming a freelance journalist. He has published Estensioni, 1990; Cronaca di uno Zen annunciato, 2010; Dolce di sale, May 2022; La vena delle viole, 2023. His first two works were received positively by the critics and awarded prizes at the "Literary Prize organised by the Centro Divulgazione Arte e Poesia", in Capranica, in 1990; at the Valle di Vitalba National Poetry Prize, 1991; at the European Community Contemporary Literary Prize, 1994; at the European Community International Competition”Città di Como, 1994; at the National Poetry and Fiction Competition Antartika, 1994; at the Stella Norbiato Poetry Award, 2000; at the Literary Prize Rhegium Julii 2022, with an unpublished collection: Dove le viole vanno a dormire. He is a member of the Mihai Eminescu International Academy. Some of his texts are present in various anthologies, including '900 e oltre' by Roberto Pasanise and Gerardo Salvadori, introduced by Pompeo Giannantonio.

International prize of Poetry and fiction EUROPA IN VERSI 2024 - 9th edition - Como

The International Poetry Festival Europa in Versi, in collaboration with La Casa della Poesia di Como launches the 9th edition of the


As usual, the Prize aims to scout new talents or talents who deserve greater visibility on our social channels and on the websites and

Absolute winners of both published Poetry and published Fiction will receive a prize of 500.00 Euros.

For all sections dedicated to unpublished texts, the winner of each section will have the opportunity to publish it free of charge with I Quaderni del Bardo editions by Stefano Donno.

The Prize falls into 6 sections:

  • Unpublished poetry
  • Published poetry
  • Unpublished dialect poetry
  • Unpublished fiction
  • Published fiction
  • Unpublished young poetry and fiction

The jury is composed as follows

President of the Jury for Poetry
Milo De Angelis, poet

President of the Jury for Fiction
prof. Gianmarco Gaspari, Professor of Italian Literature University of Insubria DiSUIT - Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory - Director of the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities University of Insubria

Elisabetta Broli, journalist and writer
Stefano Donno, publisher
Chiara Evangelista, writer and journalist
Bruno Galluccio, poet
Roberto Galaverni, literary critic and culture editor with Corriere della Sera
Laura Garavaglia, poet and journalist, director of the International Poetry Festival
Europa in versi

The decision of the jury cannot be questioned. The jury has a right not to attribute one or more prizes indicated in these rules, providing a reason for the decision.

The Prize is open to Italian and foreign authors who have turned 18 when enrolling in the competition.

Works must be sent in by 30th March 2024.

Public reading of works
The overall winning authors and finalists of the various sections will be awarded in Como at end of May, on a date to be announced, at an event open to the public.



The jury examined the many works received and came to the definition of the selection of the finalists and absolute winners for the sections PUBLISHED POETRY, UNPUBLISHED POETRY, UNPUBLISHED YOUNG POETRY, UNPUBLISHED POETRY IN DIALECT, PUBLISHED NARRATIVE, UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE.

Among the works received for the PUBLISHED POETRY section, the jury decided to proclaim OVERALL WINNER:

Valeria Rossella, with the syllogue Quello che vedo, Interlinea Edizioni


Roberta Castoldi, with the syllogue La formula dell’orizzonte, AnimaMundi Edizioni
Vincenzo (Quito) Chiantia with the syllogue Asimmetrie & Sghembi, Ideali matricole, La Vita Felice Editore

Among the works received for the UNPUBLISHED POETRY section, the jury decided to proclaim OVERALL WINNER:

Elisabetta Santini, with the unpublished sylloge La Felicità dei Pistilli


Marco Carretta, with poems Nel viale…, Nello stracolmo zaino viola…, CVAPD
Danila Di Croce, with poems Dammi il compito..., Ci sono vite..., Ho così tanto...

Among the works received in the UNPUBLISHED YOUNG POETRY section, the jury decided to proclaim EX AEQUO WINNERS:

Carlotta Alessandra Cattaneo, with poems Particella di vuoto, Ad una nuova alba, Natural me
Davide Colletta, with poems Alzheimer, Sempre, Dobbiamo appoggiarci...


Kamil Sanders, with poems Dafne, Morfeo, Ragazza magra

Among the works received for the UNPUBLISHED POETRY IN DIALECT section, the jury decided to proclaim OVERALL WINNER:

Alfredo Panetta with poems Locri prontu suncorsu, U suric’orbu, Terra ed acqua


Nico Bertoncello with poems A parola serca, Rento de mi, Vivemo…
Mario Mottolese with poems Li frasche grosse…, Chésa me…, Li méne…

Among the works received in the PUBLISHED NARRATIVE section, the jury decided to proclaim OVERALL WINNER:

Massimo Calvi, with the novel L’uomo che guardava la montagna, San Paolo Edizioni


Marcello Di Fazio, with the novel Vent’anni, WLM Edizioni
Francesca Sassano, with the novel Lei stava lì, GOODMood digital editions
Loredana Scaiano, with the novel Il coraggio della felicità, Lit Edizioni

Among the works received in the UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE section, the jury
he decided to proclaim OVERALL WINNER:

Andrea Giannetti, with the unpublished novel Fiori


Andrea Bertussi, with the unpublished novel Graffi
Cesare Cuscianna, with the unpublished novel I tempi dell’incudine
Andrea Mondini, with the unpublished novel in verse La divina Calabria

For the YOUNG UNPUBLISHED NARRATIVE section, the jury found no works worthy of an award.


The jury of the International Award "Europa in versi e in prosa" 2021, having examined the numerous works competing in the various sections, has made an initial selection of the creations of greatest artistic merit, from which the finalists in each category, including the absolute winner, will be chosen. The jury therefore wishes to express their warm appreciation to the works of the following authors:


Annelisa Addolorato
Pietro Cagni
Roberta Castoldi
Davide Castiglione
Gentilino Cipriano
Vincenzo Chiantia
Federica D'Amato
Diletta D'Angelo
Massimiliano Damaggio
Annamaria Farabbi
Assunta Fichera
Goran Gatalica
Giovanni Ibello
Luca Lanfredi
Andrea Leone
Marcello Marciani
Marco Merlin
Alfredo Panetta
Lorenzo Pataro
Valeria Rossella
Evaristo Seghetta Andreoli
Rita Stanzione
Claudia Zironi


Paolo Luca Bernardini
Elda Biagi
Vanna Carlucci
Marco Carretta
Danila Di Croce
Michele Antonio Grigato
Letizia Grandolfo
Eugenio Griffoni
Alberto Lotti
Ugo Mauthe
Elena Micheletti
Maurizio Paganelli
Elisabetta Santini
Serena Signorino Cavalli
Giancarlo Stoccoro


Andrea Cadierno
Carlotta Alessandra Cattaneo
Davide Colletta
Angelo Di Carlo
Giacomo Falchetta
Federico Falchi
Thybaud Monterisi
Ivan Pulcini
Giovanni Romanò
Kamil Sanders
Matteo Scaramozzino


Agostino Barletta
Nico Bertoncello
Mario Mottolese
Alfredo Panetta


Greta Bienati
Franco Cadenasso
Massimo Calvi
Rita Cocuzza
Corrado D'Elia
Marcello Di Fazio
Leonardo Lastilla
Luigi Lazzaro
Francesca Marchesini
Nicola Pesce
Stefano Ricchiuti
Giovanni Santoru
Francesca Sassano
Loredana Scaiano


Fabiane Albuquerque
Andrea Bertussi
Tiziana Capodieci
Cesare Cuscianna
Andrea Giannetti
Andrea Mondini
Francesco Monti
Sergio Palandri
Marcello Sgarbi
Giuliano Visentin


Artistic director Laura Garavaglia

From 27th to 29th May 2022

Passeggiata Villa Olmo, Como
Via Sant'Abbondio, 12 Como

"Locality and globalisation" is the main theme of the upcoming edition: "locality" is defined by daily interactions, but global dimensions are becoming increasingly important and the sense of what happens locally, everything that characterises the space of the daily experience, also finds its origin in the connection that is established at a global level. In the context in which we are living - also and above all in this period - the concept of 'cultural identity' constitutes the set of references by which a person or a group defines itself and wishes to be recognised: it implies the freedoms inherent to the dignity of the person and integrates - in a permanent process - cultural diversity, the particular and the universal, memory and the project.


Friday 27th may

h. 10.00
Liceo Classico e Scientifico A. Volta

h. 14.30
Istituto Orsoline San Carlo

Meeting between the poets and the students (reserved for students)

h. 17.00
Famiglia Comasca
Via Bonanomi, 10
Meeting between the public and the guest poets

SATURDAY 28th may

h. 10.30
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Via Sant’Abbondio 12, Como
Meeting between the poets and the students
Readings in the original language and in Italian

Villa Gallia
ingresso da Passeggiata Villa Olmo, Como

h. 15 “P.P.P. Poesie Per Pasolini: tra località e globalizzazione
a cent’anni dalla nascita un omaggio poetico da parte di grandi autori”.
by Roberto Galaverni, Corriere della Sera cultural journalist who will introduce
the Festival alongside Laura Garavaglia artistic director

International Poetry Reading
at the piano M° Tonino Scala

Award ceremony for the winners and finalists
of the International Prize “Europa in versi e in prosa”

Exhibition by the students of Isis Paolo Carcano.
Book shop: anthologies and books by La Casa della Poesia di Como.

Free admission subject to availability with recommended registration (available from May 14th)
It is mandatory to wear a mask to participate

SUNDAY 29th may

h. 10.30
Parco di Villa Sucota
Via per Cernobbio 19, Como
“La mia lingua è un filo di seta…”
Visit, walk and reading by Pietro Berra, Sentiero dei Sogni

h. 17.00
Museo della Seta
Via Castelnuovo, 9, Como
“Tessere versi - L’ordito e la trama delle parole e dei tessuti”
Reading by international poets and visit to the Museum.
With Roberto Galaverni and Andrea Tavernati, vice-president
of La Casa della Poesia di Como


As always, Europa in versi will publish the Festival anthology published by I Quaderni del Bardo and edited by Andrea Tavernati, poet, writer and vice president of La Casa della Poesia di Como OdV.

Initiative implemented as part of the University of Insubria’s programme to promote cultural and recreational activities for students

Initiative implemented as part of the University of Insubria’s programme to promote cultural and recreational activities for students



Kieu Bich Hau

Kieu Bich Hau was born in Hung Yen Province, now is living in Hanoi, Vietnam. Graduated from Hanoi University for Teachers of Foreign Languages (English Department) in 1993. Certificate of Creative Writing Course by Nguyen Du School for creative writing. Executive Expert of External Affairs Office of Vietnam Writer's Association (From 2019 until now). Managing editor of Vietnam Textile – Garment – Fashion Magazine (From 2011 -2021). Former Deputy Editor-in-chief of Intellectual Magazine (From 2008 to 2011). Former Deputy Manager of Editorial Board of New Fashion Magazine (From 1993-2003). Editor of NEUMA magazine of Romania, HUMANITY magazine of Russia. She won national and International Literary Prize, among which The ART Danubius Prize in 2022 for her nurturing and deepening Vietnamese-Hungarian literary and cultural relations. She publishe twenty books of poetry and prose. Her poems are translated in Italian and published in the book The Unkowun – Lo Sconosciuto (IQdB).



Kooseul Kim

Kim Kooseul, born in Jinhae on Korea's southern coast, moved to Seoul at the age of 8. She is a poet and Professor Emeritus of English Literature at Hyupsung University. She earned a Ph.D in English literature from Korea University. At Hyupsung University, she served as Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as Dean of the Graduate School of Education and Art. She has been a Visiting Scholar at UCLA. She earned the 2018 Hongjae Literary Grand Prize (named in honor of the 22nd king of Korea's Chosun Dynasty). and the 2018 Suwon Literary Prize. She is currently the Changwon KC International Literary Prize's Review Committee Chair and Organizing Committee Vice Chair. She has contributed the "Kim Kooseul Column" to Kyunggi Newspaper and has provided English translations of Korean poetry for the quarterly Suwon Literature. She is Advisor and Vice President for the Society of East-West Comparative Literature, as well as Advisor for the T.S. Eliot Society of Korea, for which she has also served as President.  As a poet and a scholar of English literature, she has produced a considerable body of literary work, including Lost Alleys; Zero Degree’s Love; 21st T.S. Eliot; T.S. Eliot’s Poetry, Society, Art; Complete Poetry of W.B. Yeats; Understanding Modern English Poetry; and T.S. Eliot and the Philosophy of F.H. Bradley. Her poems have been translated into several languages, including English, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Romanian. In Italian she has a book of poetry, Lost alleys – Viali perduti (IQdB).


Dongho Choi

Choi Dongho, born in Suwon, Korea, is a Poet and Literary Critic. Currently he is a member of the National Academy of Arts, Republic of Korea. He is a Distinguished Professor at Kyungnam Univ. Korea and a Professor Emeritus at Korea Univ. Korea.He earned Ph.D (Korean Literature) from Korea Univ. Korea.He was Dean of Graduate School, Korea Univ. He was a Visiting Scholar at UCLA, and Waseda Univ. where he studies the comparative study of Eastern and Western literature. He participated in IWP(The International Writing Program) at the Univ. of Iowa. He has earned several major prizes and distinctions, including the Modern Buddhist Literary Award, the Daesan Literary Award, the Park Dujin Literary Award, the Gosan Yun Sundo Literary Award, the Yusim Literary Award, the Manhae Grand Prize for Literature and Art,  the Kim Satgot Literary Award, the Gjenima Prize for Literature(USA), and the Jung Jiyong Literary Award. He is the founding president of the Poetry Loving Society and the President of the Society of Korean Poets. He is the Councilor of the Society of Korean Poets, the Chief Editor of Lyric Poetry and Poetics (Quarterly), Chair of Changwon KC International Literary Prize, and member of Managing Committee of Hoam Award, and President of KS World Poetry Festival. As a poet, he produced many literary works including Wind of Yellow Sand, A Morning Desk, Where is the Woodpecker Hidden, Dharma Plays Ball and Korean Jewel Beetle in Blaze, A Face of Ice, Monarch Butterfly, and Golden Fallen Leaves. As an international poet, his poetry books, including Trees Wet with Rain (English), Korean Buddhist Poems (English), МОРЕ В БУТЬⅠΛКЕ (Russian), Monarch Butterfly (English), and Poesie buddiste zen (Italian, published by IQdB), have been translated into as many languages as Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, French, and Romanian. As a scholar of Korean literature, he produced a lot of books of theory of poetry including The History of the Spirit in Modern Poetry, Digital Culture and Ecological Poetics, Poetic Incantation of Mud Paradise and Chung Ji Yong’s Poetry and Archeology of Criticism.

Ko Doohyun

Doohyun Ko

Ko Doohyun was born in Namhae, Kyungsangnam-do Province in 1963. He made his literary debut by winning the Jungang Daily Annual Spring Literary Contest in 1993. His major poetry books include A Package Delivered Late, A Letter Sent from Mulmi Coast, Looking at the Other Side of the Moon. He has received the Poetry & Poetics Younger Poets Award among several others.



Julia Pikalova

Julia Pikalova - Russian poetess. Born in Moscow, now she lives in Italy.. She graduated in Humanities from the University of St Petersburg and in Business Administration from the California State University, and has made a remarkable career with major international companies. She came to poetry very late, without the usual training periods, 'as an illicit comet' (A. Pushkin). Her poems are published in the best Russian-language literary journals, from Canada to the Far East, and are translated into Italian, English and Ukrainian. In 2020, his work The First (500 poems) was published in Moscow. Italian translations came out in 2020-21 and are collected in a book Camminare sull'acqua (81 poems Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza). The composer Giorgio Bernabò staged two plays with his poems in Vicenza.



William Wolak

William Wolak is an internationally known poet, photographer and collage artist living in New Jersey. He has published eighteenth books of poetry;  the most recent is All the Wind’s Unfinished Kisses (2020).  His poetry has appeared in over a hundred magazines. His most recent translation with Mahmood Karimi-Hakak, Love Me More Than the Others: Selected Poetry or Iraj Mirza, was published by Cross-Cultural Communications in 2014. His translations have appeared in such magazines as The Sufi Journal, Basalt, Visions International, World Poetry Journal, and Atlanta Review. His critical work and interviews have appeared in Notre Dame Review, Persian Heritage Magazine, Gargoyle, Southern Humanities Review and Prime Numbers Magazine. William Wolak has been awarded several National Endowment for the Humanities scholarships and two Fulbright-Hays scholarships to study and travel in India. In 2007, he was selected to participate in a Friendship Delegation to Iran sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, America’s largest and oldest interfaith peace and justice organization. During the Summer of 2010, Mr. Wolak was awarded a Field Study Opportunity in China and Japan by the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia. He is invited to participate in many international poetry festivals.



Carlos Velasquez Torres

Carlos Velásquez Torres Ph. D. (Bogotá, Colombia) Poet, translator, musician and academic. He attended the National University of Colombia where he studied music and literature. He later earned an M.A. in Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. D. in Latin American literature, film and literary theory from the University of Arizona in Tucson. She has taught at Bowling Green State University and New Mexico Highlands University. He has published two collections of poems, Versos del Insilio and Es de tontos el regreso (Winner of the Hybrido International Poetry Prize). Artepoetica Press published his translation and edition of Irish author Seamus Scanlon's short story collection Ireland in the Heart. Velásquez is general editor of Artepoetica Press's Rambla de Mar collection. He currently works in New York where he is co-director of The Americas Poetry.



Attila Balazs

Attila F. Balázs was born in Târgu Mureș, (Transylvania). He studied at the Catholic Theology Institute in Alba Iulia. He graduated in Library Science and Literary Translation in Bucharest. He worked as a librarian at the Harghita County Library in Miercurea Ciuc until 1989. Between 1990 and 1992, he was the editor of Szabad Újsag (Bratislava), collaborated with Új Szó and was the director of the Madách publishing house in Bratislava. In 1994 he founded AB-ART Publishing (Bratislava), of which he has been director ever since. He is a member of the Hungarian Writers' Union, the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Paris, the Miahi Eminescu Academy, the Writers' Union of Romania, the Hungarian PEN club, the Writers' Association of Slovakia. He is vice-president of the Dellart cultural association (Cluj-Napoca), an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Chisinau, Moldova. He is the author of poetry collections and translator of more than twenty books of poetry and fiction. His works have been translated into many languages, including an Italian collection of poetry entitled BLU (IQdB, 2020) and the novel Le metamorfosi di Casanova. He has received numerous international prizes and awards for his various literary activities, such as the Opera Omnia Arghezi Târgu Jiu Prize, Romania, 2014, the World English Writer's Union Prize, India, 2019, the Lukijan Mušicki Prize, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019. In 2018, the Foundation Council of the World Academy of Arts and Culture awarded Attila F. Balázs the honorary title of Doctor of Letters. His works have been translated into 20 languages.  He is invited to several literary festivals in various countries around the world.



Jeton Kelmendi

Jeton Kelmendi - Poet, translator, publisher, a professor of university and academic. Born in the city of Peja, Kosovo, Jeton Kelmendi completed his graduate studies at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, specializing in International and Security Studies. He finished his second master degree in diplomacy. Kelmendi did a PhD in the “Influence of media in EU Political Security Issues”. He is professor at AAB University College. He is active member of the European Academy of Science and Arts in Salzburg Austria. For many years he has written poetry, prose, essays and short stories. He is a regular contributor to many newspapers, in Albania and abroad, writing on many cultural and political topics, especially concerning international affairs. His poems are translated in more that thirty-seven languages and published in several international Literature Anthologies. He is a member of many international cultural institutions, poetry clubs and is a contributor to many literary and cultural magazines, in different Languages around the world. Some of his poems are translated in Italian and published in the book L’età mitica (IQdB).



Emilio Coco

Emilio Coco was born in S. Marco in Lamis (FG). He is a Hispanist, poet and translator. He is the author of several anthologies of Spanish poetry and three volumes of Spanish theatre. He has also published anthologies of Italian poetry translated into Spanish in Mexico, Spain and Colombia. The latest, La poesía del siglo XX en Italia was published in 2017 by Visor in Madrid. With the publisher Walter Raffaelli, he has published florileges of Catalan, Mexican, Colombian, Cuban, Honduran, Bolivian, Ecuadorian and Costa Rican poetry and Il fiore della poesia latinoamericana d'oggi in three volumes. At the same publisher, he directs the 'Hispano-American' poetry series. As a poet, he has published twelve books in Spain and Latin America, and seven in Italy, gathered under the title Poems 1990-2020 (2021). His latest book is Il tempo di mettermi in cammino (Passigli), translated into Spanish as El tiempo de emprender el camino (Pigmalión, Madrid). He has won several prizes and awards. In 2003, he was awarded the title of Commander of the Order 'Alfonso X el Sabio' by King Juan Carlos I, one of the highest honours granted in Spain for cultural merit. In 2016, he was awarded the Ramón López Velarde International Prize in Mexico. He has been translated into twelve languages and has participated in numerous poetry festivals in Spain, France, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua, Honduras, Colombia, Perù, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Turkey.


Giuseppe Bova

Born in Reggio Calabria, he graduated in economics and commerce and obtained a Master's degree for Development Operators c/o European Institute of Political Studies. He was Councillor and Councillor for Culture, Public Administration, Demographic Services and Town Planning for the Municipality of Reggio Calabria (1980 - 1989) and State Executive since 1990. He received the Culture Award from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in 1974. He was Superintendent of the 'Francesco Cilea' Municipal Theatre of Reggio Calabria and President and legal representative of the University for Foreigners 'Dante Alighieri' of Reggio Calabria. He is a member of the National Council of the Dante Alighieri Society. President pro tempore of the Rhegium Julii Cultural Circle. He has published ten books and won several national literary prizes.


Deborah Zingariello

Deborah Zingariello is a student of Communication Sciences at the University of Insubria. In 2022, she experimented for the first time with "Narcisa" a new theoretical-performance mode, a new project to present Poetry to the social network audience. She collaborated with Alberto Bornati, as a certified director and video-maker, to realise 'Poetry on video'. Her poems have received mentions at the Premio Europa in versi and the Premio Letterario Milano International.


Laura Capra

Laura Capra was born in Genova, where she lives. She is specialized in communication and human resources sectors. She signs interviews and reviews. She published the collection of poems Nero fittizio (Puntoacapo editrice), Indossare la vita (Science fiction Ant., Fantagenova, Erga edizioni). She has been one of the poets selected for the Versopolis project, Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Poetic happiness

13th Edition International Poetry Festival
Artistic direction of Laura Garavaglia

19, 20, 21 May 2023

Passeggiata Villa Olmo, Como
Via Sant'Abbondio, 12 Como
Missaglia (LC)

The theme of the International Festival Europa in Versi 2023 is "POETIC HAPPINESS", i.e., in relation to the present moment, poetry as the utmost expression of creativity and sublimation of the best energies of the human being, but also as the privileged place of an "inner happiness" rarely attainable by other means. Thanks to the poems and testimonies of the authors who will participate, coming not only from Europe, but from various countries around the world, the audience will be invited to reflect on the hypothesis of a utopia of Happiness that today seems to be more and more distant and that perhaps can be sought on levels other than those related to economic and public success.


Friday 19th may

Liceo A. Volta e Istituto Orsoline San Carlo
Meeting and dialog with poets (only for students)
The students will present videos, music, pictures, etc. inspired by the poets’ texts.

h. 11 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Lecture Hall - Via Sant’Abbondio 12, Como
Meeting poets and students. Reading of poems and intercultural dialog.
Introduction by Laura Garavaglia and Roberto Galaverni.

Saturday 20th may

Liceo Teresa Ciceri
Meeting of “Europa in Versi” poets and students (only for students)
The students interpret the poet’ verses releasing their creativity.

Villa Gallia
Passeggiata Lino Gelpi, Como

h. 2.30 p.m. International Poetry Reading
Introduction by Roberto Galaverni.
Poets’ presentation by Laura Garavaglia and Andrea Tavernati.
Reading of the poets with the musical accompaniment of M° Tonino Scala.
Short theatrical plays from Compagnia Teatro Mumble.

Award cerimony of the winners of the 8th edition of “Premio Europa in versi e in Prosa”.
Presidents of the Jury: Poet Milo De Angelis – Prof. Gianmarco Gaspari.

Exhibition of the works of “I.S.I.S. P. Carcano” students inspired by the poets’ texts.
Audience’s reception by ENAIP Como students.

Free admission subject to availability

Sunday 21th may

h. 10.30 a.m. - 12 a.m.
Walking towards happiness with Pliny and the poets of “Europa in versi”
Poets read in historical and architectonical places of interest in the city of Como.
In cooperation with Sentiero dei Sogni Association.
Reservation required by clicking here

h. 5.30 p.m. Villa Sormani Marzorati Uva Piazzetta Sormani 1 - Missaglia (LC)
Reading of international poets in the park of the villa
(in the case of bad weather the reading will be inside the villa. Free admission while seats last)
From 3.30 p.m., as part of the program “L’Opera in Villa”, “The magic flute” by W.A.Mozart will be performed. Only available on reservation. Price info and pre-booking: +39 348 382 7240.


As always, Europa in versi will publish the Festival anthology published by I Quaderni del Bardo and edited by Andrea Tavernati, poet, writer and vice president of La Casa della Poesia di Como OdV.


Initiative implemented as part of the University of Insubria’s programme to promote cultural and recreational activities for students