The International Poetry Festival Europa in Versi, in collaboration with La Casa della Poesia di Como launches the 10th edition of the
For information write an e-mail to lacasadellapoesiadicomo@gmail.com
or call +39 371 1092926
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday to Friday
As usual, the Prize aims to scout new talents or talents who deserve greater visibility on our social channels and on the websites www.europainversi.org and www.lacasadellapoesiadicomo.com
Absolute winners of both published Poetry and published Fiction will receive a prize of 500.00 Euros.
For all sections dedicated to unpublished texts, the winner of each section will have the opportunity to publish it free of charge with I Quaderni del Bardo editions by Stefano Donno.
The Prize falls into 4 sections:
- Unpublished poetry
- Published poetry
- Unpublished fiction
- Published fiction
The jury is composed as follows:
President of the Jury for Poetry
Milo De Angelis, poet
President of the Jury for Fiction
prof. Gianmarco Gaspari, Professor of Italian Literature University of Insubria DiSUIT - Department of Human Sciences and Innovation for the Territory - Director of the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities University of Insubria
Elisabetta Broli, journalist and writer
Stefano Donno, publisher
Bruno Galluccio, poet
Roberto Galaverni, literary critic and culture editor with Corriere della Sera
Laura Garavaglia, poet and journalist, director of the International Poetry Festival
Europa in versi
Roberto Valsecchi, philosopher
The decision of the jury cannot be questioned. The jury has a right not to attribute one or more prizes indicated in these rules, providing a reason for the decision.
The Prize is open to Italian and foreign authors who have turned 18 when enrolling in the competition.
Works must be sent in by 30th March 2025.
The overall winning authors and finalists of the various sections will be awarded in Como at end of May, on a date to be announced, at an event open to the public.