Giovanni Tesio
Born in Piossasco, he lives in Turin. He is a philologist, literary critic and language historian. He was professor of Italian literature at the A. Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont, and he has published various volumes of essays including La poesia ai margini (Interlinea, nel 2014), I più amati. Perché leggerli? Come leggerli? (2012), Parole essenziali (2014), a biography of Augusto Monti, a monograph on Piero Chiara, many anthologies of Primo Levi: Io che vi parlo (Einaudi, 2016) e Primo Levi. Ancora qualcosa da dire (Interlinea, 2018). He has edited books of many Italian authors including a selection from Italo Calvino's editorial correspondence. His poetic activity resulted in the publication of a collection of ballads and Piedmontese sonnets, entitled Vita dacant e da canté (Centro Studi Piemontesi-Ca dë Studi Piemontèis, Turin 2017). For thirty-five years he was??? Has been a collaborator of the “Stampa”. He is one of the founders and directors of the “Lyra” poetry series.

William Wolak
A poet, photographer and collage artist. His translations have appeared in hundreds of magazines. He has published 15 books of poetry. Wolak has been awarded several scholarships to study and to travel in India. In 2007, he was selected to participate in a friendship delegation to Iran sponsored by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, America's largest and oldest interfaith peace and justice organization. He has participated in numerous international festivals around the world. Among his latest poetic works there are The Rain That Makes Ashes Dance (2017) and A Whisper Trapped in Perfume (2018).

Dante Maffia
He was born in Roseto Capo Spulico. He is a poet, writer, essayist, literary and art critic. He has been translated into 18 languages and has won numerous awards including “Montale”, “Viareggio” and “Camaiore”. In 2004, the President of the Italian Republic Ciampi conferred a gold medal on him. The Regional Council of Calabria, and the Spinelli, Guarasci, Farina, Di Liegro and Crocetta Foundations nominated him for the Nobel Prize for his literary activity. He received a Laurea Honoris Causa from the Pontifical University. Recently the proceedings of the conference on his work, Ti presento Maffia, have been published, edited by Rocco Paternostro (Aracne).

Marisol Bohórquez Godoy
Born in Santa María-Huila of Colombia, she is a painter and literary translator with a degree in engineering. She has published the following collections of poems: La soledad de los espejos (2016), Effetto farfalle-Efecto mariposa (2017), translation by G. Darconza, and Antipartículas-Antiparticelle (2019), in collaboration with Gianni Darconza. She has translated over a dozen poems of contemporary Italian authors. She has participated in international poetry festivals including Europa in versi in Como (Italy, 2019). She was invited to give lectures on Hispanic-American literature at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino and in various Italian cities. Part of her work has been translated into French and Italian. She resides in the United States of (North) America and collaborates with renowned poetry magazines.

Alessandro Quattrone
A poet and a professor, he lives in Como. He has received numerous awards, including the Eugenio Montale International Award (1994). He has translated several volumes of classical poetry for the Giunti-Demetra editions. He has published the following volumes of poetry: Interrogare la pioggia (Lacaita Editore, 1984); Passeggiate e inseguimenti (Book Editore, 1993); Rifugi provvisori (Book Editore, 1996); Prove di lontananza (Book Editore, 2013); L’ombra di chi passa (Puntoacapo editrice, 2015); La gentilezza dell’acero (Passigli ed. 2018). He has also published literary articles and reviews in cultural magazines and newspapers (including online ones), the novel Ai Bordi del Deluvio (Moretti and Vitali ed., 2002) and, for the theater, A me non sembra di dover morire e altri dialoghi teatrali (Puntoacapo editrice, 2018).

Doris Kareva
She was born in Tallin, Estonia. She is a poet, translator and editor. She graduated from the University of Tartu. She has published poems, essays and short prose texts, she has translated classics (Akhmatova, Auden, Beckett, Brodsky, Brontë, Dickinson, Gibran, Kabir, Rumi, Shakespeare etc.) and collections of anthologies. Doris Kareva's poetry has been translated into over 20 languages, and she has often been staged in Estonia and abroad. She has received four literary and two national cultural awards and she was awarded the Order of the White Star in 2001.

Mauro Ferrari
He was born in Novi Ligure. He is the editorial director of Puntoacapo Editrice. He has published various poetic collections including Il libro del male e del bene, an annotated anthology of his own production (puntoacapo 2016), Vedere al buio (puntoacapo 2018), La spira (poemetto, ivi 2019). He has also published a series of poetic essays, Poesia come gesto. Appunti di poetica (Novi 1999), now collected in Civiltà della poesia (puntoacapo, Novi 2008). His texts and speeches have appeared in major literary magazines. He currently directs the Punto Almanac of Italian Poetry, published by puntoacapo. He is a member of the Jury of the “Guido Gozzano” Literary Prize of Terzo (AL) and he is the cultural director of the Biennial of Poetry in Alessandria.

Annabel Villar
A poet and cultural activist, she was born in Uruguay and resides in Spain. She is co-founder of the Liceo Poetico de Benidorm and a member of REMES (World Network of Spanish Writers), the World Poetry Movement and the International World Poets Movement. Invited to various international poetry festivals and meetings. She received, among others, the First Prize Poesia Interactiva de los III Juegos Florales del Siglo XXI de A-Brace Cultura (Montevideo, 2011). Her latest book of poetry is Viaje al Sur del Sur.

Piera Mattei
She was born in Rome, where she currently lives. After studying philosophy, she devoted herself to the cinema and the theater and worked in the circle of cultural journalism and entertainment, as editor of the cultural page of various newspapers, including the Roman newspaper "Paese sera" . She is the author and creator of theatrical performances. She lived in the United States, in Japan, and in Paris. She currently (deals with literature) works as an author, translator and critic. As regards poetry in particular, she has (collaborated) contributed - since 1991 (in) to the poetry magazine "Pagine", of which she has been co-editor for over ten years, and to other magazines, including online ones. She directs the online magazine “Lucreziana 2008”, which includes comments on poetry, religion, and science. Her stories and poems, translated into English, Spanish and French, and Turkish, appear in various foreign magazines and anthologies. Since December 2010 she has been editor of Gattomerlino editions and she has translated poetry and written essays on poetry (Blue series), and science (Green series).

Taeko Uemura
She is a poet. She was born in Kyoto and graduated in literature from Konan University. In the seventies, she promoted the Oral Poetry Group movement with Arima Takashi. Today she is a member of the Japan Pen Club and the International Association of Japanese Poets. She has published several poems, in Japanese and English, including Musu no Irritation (Numberless Irritation, 1989), Kagami niwa Utsuranakatta, (Never be reflected in the mirror, 1992), Onna no ma no toki (Woman's Devil Time, 1995 ) and essays including Kyoto Monogatari (A story of Kyoto, 1997), Daichi ni Yume Motomete - Brazil Imin to Hirao Heizaburo no Kiseki (2001). The latest published work is To a Serendipity Muse (2013). In 2012 she won the JUNPA Award as the best poet.

Tomaso Kemeny
He was born in Budapest and now lives in Milan. As an anglicist, he has written books, essays, articles about the work of Ch. Marlowe, S.T. Coleridge, P.B. Shelley, Lord Byron, Lewis Carrol, Dylan Thomas, James Joyce and Ezra Pound. He has published eleven books of poetry, including La Transilvania Liberata (2005), Poemetto gastronomico e altri nutrimenti (2012), 107 incontri con la prosa e la poesia (2014), Boomerang (2018). He has written poetic books, including L’arte di non morire (2000), a novel, Don Giovanni innamorato (1993), an autobiographical novel, Per il lobo d’oro (2020), and a dramatic text La conquista della scena e del mondo (1996). Among the books he has edited, we should mention Le avventure della bellezza - 1998-2008 (2008). He is one of the founders of the mythomodernist movement (1994), of the “Poetry and Discovery” movement (2016) and of La Casa della Poesia di Milano (2006). He was awarded a number of prizes: Giuseppe Acerbi Special Translation Award” (2006), the “Montale fuori mura” for Lifetime Achievement (2015) and the “Genesi Award” for Lifetime Achievement (2019).

Gili Haimovich
She is a bilingual poet and translator (Hebrew - English). She has published six collections of Hebrew poems and a selection of poems originally written in English, Living on a Blank Page, published in two different editions. Her poetry has been published internationally in numerous magazines and anthologies, such as Poetry International, International Poetry Review, Asymptote, Drain Magazine, LRC - Literary Review of Canada, Blue Lyra, Circumference, Poetry Repair, Lilith. Her poems are also published in many magazines and anthologies in Israel such as The Most Beautiful Poems in Hebrew (Yedioth Ahronot Books, 2013). Her poems have been translated into various languages, for example French, Chinese, Bengali and Romanian.

Laura di Corcia
She lives in Italian-speaking Switzerland and works as a cultural journalist and television author, collaborating with “Corriere del Ticino”, the weekly magazine “Action” and some radio and television channels of Italian-speaking Switzerland. She edited the biography of Giancarlo Majorino, published by La vita felice in 2014 under the title Vita quasi vera di Giancarlo Majorino. Her first book, Epica dello spreco, has been reviewed in several newspapers and magazines. Some texts have been translated into English and published in the “Journal of Italian translation”. In tutte le direzioni, published by LietoColle-La Gialla, is her second book of poems – the first part of the work, under the title Traduzioni and microsismi, won the Critics’ Prize at the RiminiFestival.

Marta Markoska
È nata nel 1981 a Skopje, Macedonia. Ha pubblicato 13 libri, tra cui di poesia: Black Holes Within Us - seconda edizione - premiato due volte con prestigiosi riconoscimenti macedoni: Premio "Todor Chalovski" nel 2015 e Premio "Beli Mugri" 2014; Headfirst Toward the Heights (Premio "Aco Karamanov" 2012); All Tributaries Flow Into My Basin. Inoltre un libro di Studi Culturali Culture and Memory; lo studio scientifico Discussion on Zen Buddhism: Religious and Philosophical Transcendence Between Eastern and Western Thought; una raccolta di saggi Hyper Hypotheses e una raccolta di racconti Whirlpool in Bethlehem. Il suo ultimo libro è H/ERO/T/IC BOOK, pubblicato in Hong Kong.

Rosamaria Corti
Born in Oggiono (LC), she has received various awards in literary competitions and many of her works are included in various anthologies. Among her books, usually inspired by the Lake and the Intelvi Valley, we should mention Tra sbuffi di vapori e sferraglianti trenini (Bellavite Editore, 2005), Valli Poetiche itinerari culturali nelle valli lariane: Valle Intelvi (LietoColle, 2011), as well as the collections of poetry Il mio Lario (LietoColle, 2011), La mia valle (LietoColle, 2012), La mia Provenza (LietoColle, 2013).

Choi Dong-Ho
Born in Suwon, South Korea, he is a poet and literary critic, a member of the National Academy of Arts, Republic of Korea. He is a distinguished professor at Kyungnam University of Korea and professor emeritus at Korea University. He earned numerous important awards and recognitions. His poetry books, including Trees Wet with Rain, and Korean Buddhist Poems, have been translated into many languages including Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, French, Russian and Romanian.

Kim Kooseul
Born in Jinhae, she is a poet and professor emeritus of English literature at Hyupsung University. She is currently editor of a column, the "Kim Kooseul Column", in the Kyunggi Newspaper and contributes the English translation of Korean Poetry to the Quarterly Suwon Literature. She is Chair of the Review Committee of the Changwon KC International Literary Award and Vice Chair of the Organizing Committee. She is Consultant and Vice President for the Society of East-West Comparative Literature, as well as Advisor to the T.S. Eliot Society of Korea, for which she was also President. She has won numerous national and international awards for her commitment to the popularisation of poetry. As a poet and scholar of English literature, she has produced a remarkable body of literary works including T.S. Eliot’s Poetry and Completed Poetry of W.B. Yeats. Her poems have been translated into several languages, including English, Japanese and Romanian.

Kieu Bich Hau
Born in the Hung Yen province of Vietnam, she is Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs of the Vietnam Writers' Association and editorial director of Vietnam Textile - Garment - Fashion Magazine. She currently lives in Hanoi. She has received various literature awards in Vietnam. Her book of poems Lo Sconosciuto - The unknown (I Quaderni de Bardo, 2020) has been translated into Italian.

Mariko Sumikura
Born in Kyoto, she graduated from Ritsumeikan University. She is a poet and essayist, a representative of the Japanese Universal Poetry Association, and editor-in-chief of the international online magazine Poetic-Bridge: Ama-Hashi ( and JUNPA BOOKS. Her main source of inspiration is the medieval Japanese novelist and poet Murasaki Shikibu, author of The Tale of Genji. Her interest in European culture ranges from French literature to Russian literature and Spanish philosophy. Her main works are: Kokoro Kaoru Hito (A scented woman), Yume Tsumugu Hito (A woman spinning a dream), Hikari Oru Hito (A woman who weaves a ray of light), Ai Matou Hito (A woman who wears love) , Tsuchi daku Masurao (A man embracing the earth). She has participated in various International Poetry Festivals. She has translated over 30 books for the Junpa Books Series, and she won the Translated Irish Literature Award in 2012.

Haydar Ergulen
He was born in Eskisehir, Central Anatolia, into a family of Alevi faith. He currently lives in Istanbul. He studied sociology at Middle East Technical University in Ankara. His poems have been published in the most prestigious Turkish literary periodicals since 1979. He has also participated in the most important magazine projects, he frequently gives public lectures and writing seminars, as well as directing two literary festivals, one in Eskiehir and one in Istanbul. He is a prolific writer, has written fourteen collections of poetry, critical essays on literature and the cinema and a book of children's stories. His poetry books have been awarded prizes at numerous literary festivals. His book La casa nella melagrana. Poesie scelte 1982-2018 (Valigie Rosse, 2019) has been translated in Italian By Nicola Verderame.

Metin Cengiz
Turkish poet and writer, born in Gole/Kars (now Ardahan). After the 1980 military strike, he was imprisoned as a dissident. He has published articles in numerous magazines and has participated in the current debate on poetry, thus becoming one of the pioneers of the post-1980 period. In 1988 he was the author of the television program "Siir ve Resim" (Poetry and Painting) on Karadeniz TV. He received the Behcet Necatigil Poetry Award in 1966 for his book entitled Sarkilar Kitabi (The Book of Songs). He is a member of the Turkish Writers' Union, the PEN Writers Association and the Association of Turkish Authors. In 2007 he took part in the international poetry meetings in Sarajevo. He has written important essays on poetry. His books have been translated into various languages including Italian, with the collection Il colore dell’oscurità (Lietocolle, 2017). He is invited to various Festival all over the world.

Tamer Öncül
He was born in Nicosia, Cyprus. He is one of the promoters of the Union of Turkish Artists and Writers of Cyprus, of which he was president and secretary general. He is currently on the steering committee and is one of the editors of the national newspaper Zaman Mekan Insan. He was also one of the founders of the Pygmalion magazine (1993) and a member of the Board of Directors. Since 1990, his cultural articles have appeared in "Ekin Gondemi", the column he edits in the newspaper Yenid-zen. His poetic journey began in the mid-1970s, with "social realism" and "Cypriot sensibility" as dominant features. However, he continued to search the world of poetry for his own niche, despite being open to new ideas and experimentation. His poems and writings have appeared in Turkish, German, French and Cypriot magazines.

Hussein Habash
Born in Kurdistan, he currently lives in Bonn. He is a poet who writes in Kurdish and Arabic. His poems have been translated into many languages including English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, Turkish, Persian, Albanian, Uzbek, Russian and Romanian and are included in various international anthologies. With his ten collections of poetry, his books have been published in Amman, Spain, Syria, England, Albania, Romania, Puerto Rico, El Salvador and Costa Rica. He has participated in numerous international poetry festivals and is actively involved in the defence of human rights through poetry.

Hussein Habash
He was born in Jakmak Saghir village in the Afrin district, Kurdistan. Since 1970 he has been writing poetry in Kurdish and Arabic. Moving to Germany in 1984, he worked as a translator from Arabic, Russian, English and German into Kurdish. He has published more than 23 books of poetry, which in turn have been published in many languages. He was president of the Kurdish Pen Club from 1993 to 1996. He has participated in numerous international poetry festivals. As a linguist, he participated in the 2015 work of the European Iranian Society, "Eighth European Conference of Iranian Studies" in St. Petersburg.

Səlim Babullaoğlu
He lives in Baku, Azerbaijan. He is a translator, essayist, one of the leaders of what is known as "new modern poetry"; he is one of the Azerbaijani authors with major publications abroad. His articles and essays have been published in several prestigious literary journals around the world. His books have been published in Turkey, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Germany, Iran, Georgia, Serbia etc.

Dmytro Tchystiak
He is a Ukrainian-speaking and French-speaking poet, short story writer, literary critic and translator, an academic and a journalist. He is a professor at the National Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, editor at the Ukrainian publishing houses "Raduga" and "Summit-Knyga", and reader for some French and Belgian publishers. He has published 45 books and with some of these he has won national and international awards in Ukraine, France, Belgium, Germany, Greece and Romania. He has translated many Slavic and French-speaking writers into Ukrainian and about 50 writers into French. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (Paris) and a member of the Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine.

Viorel Boldis
He is an Italian-Romanian poet, born in Oradea, Romania. He has lived and worked in Italy since 1995. He has won numerous literary awards, including Culture compared to Brescia in 2000 and 2003, the Eks&Tra Award 2005, the Black Pen 2006, was a Tindari Patti Prize finalist in 2009 and received a Special mention for the 2009 Nosside Prize. His poems have been published in various anthologies and magazines. He published: Da solo nella fossa comune (Gedit Edizioni 2006), Amir (Sinnos 2009), Rap ... sodie migranti (Centro Studi Tindari Patti 2009). He has participated in various seminars on migrant literature.

Ion Deaconescu
A poet, writer, literary critic and translator, as well as university lecturer. A multi-publicist author, he has won numerous national and international awards. A lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Craiova, he currently holds the position of president of the "International Academy Mihai Eminescu", for which he annually organizes and directs the Festival of the same name. Questioning and reflecting on the meaning of life and human feelings, his poetry is poetry of precariousness, of the inevitable desire for salvation, which is impossible to achieve. His verses focus on the inner sphere of the human being and his relationship with his interlocutor, the Other, who defines us. A collection of poems translated into Italian, La cenere del cuore (I Quaderni del Bardo, 2019), has recently been published.

Valeriu Stancu
He lives in Romania, where he is a poet, prose writer, essayist, publisher and translator. He is the editor-in-chief of the publishing house Cronedit, editor-in-chief of the Cronica magazine and director of the EUROPOESIA International Festival. Like the journal Cronica, Cronedit deals with translating issues and publishes texts by well-known contemporary authors. Stancu’s lyrics have appeared in several international magazines. His poems have been translated into various languages and have been collected in many anthologies and in Romanian and foreign literary journals. One of the volumes of poetry published in Italian is entitled entitled Nella porpora dell'ombra (Edilet Roma, Italy, 2018).

Sándor Halmosi
He is a Hungarian-naturalized poet, literary translator, publisher and mathematician. In addition to all his literary activities, he organizes presentations on tradition, poetry, and language in general. His mission is to cultivate talent and promote poetry. He believes in cultural dialogue. He has an active relationship with numerous associations of contemporary writers and poets around the world. He is a member of the Hungarian Pen Club of Writers, founder and president of the Echivox Literary and Art Association in Stuttgart, and creator and founder of the Csontvry Memorial Hall and the Atelier Cultural Association. Among the poet's latest works are Annapurna déli lejtőin: szeretők könyve (2006) e Lao-ce szenvedélye: versek (2018). The Italian translation of his collection of poems Decameron by I Quaderni del Bardo editions is forthcoming.

Jeton Kelmendi
This poet is considered both a forerunner and a representative of modern Albanian poetry. He is also a writer, essayist and editor of various Albanian and foreign newspapers. He graduated from the University of Brussels and earned a master's degree in diplomacy and international politics. He is a professor at AAB University and an active member of the European Academy of Sciences, Art and Literature in Salzburg. His collections delve into the lyrical nature of love, the conflict in which he fought during the war in Kosovo and the reality of our times; his poems, lyrical in nature and rich in metaphors and symbolism, have been translated into more than twenty-seven languages and have been published in various international anthologies. The book of poems L’età mitica (I Quaderni del Bardo, 2019) has been translated and published into Italian.

Nikola Madzirov
He was born in Strumica, northern Macedonia. He is a poet, editor and translator. He has worked as an essayist and publisher, and as well as being a poet, he is an international coordinator for Lyrikline, a House for Poems, Berlin. He won the "Studentski Zbor" award in Macedonia and later the DJS Award for his contribution to international poetry in China. He has been a guest at numerous literary festivals around the world and has been translated into more than thirty languages. He received the European Poetry Prize "Hubert Burda", the poetry prize "Miladinov Brothers" and attended the international writing program of the University of Iowa and LiteraturRaum in Berlin. His works have appeared in magazines such as Words Without Borders, Poetry Foundation and World Literature Today.

Natasha Sardzoska
Born in Skopje, Macedonia, she is a Macedonian poet, writer, translator, anthropologist and has lived in Paris, Brussels, Milan, Stuttgart and Lisbon. She published several books of poetry: La camera azzurra, Pelle, Lui mi ha tirata con un filo invisibile, Acqua vivente, Osso sacro. She has also published essays in international magazines and short stories. She has published Leather in the United States and Italy and Sacred Bone in Italy and Kosovo. She has participated in various poetry festivals and performed at the Ducal Palace in Genoa, the Arab-Jewish Theatre in Tel Aviv, the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin, the Gallery of Modern Art in Bratislava, the National Library of Sofia, the Cultural Center of Belgrade, the Revoltella Museum in Trieste. She is the first and only translator of Pasolini and Saramago in Macedonia. Her poem Marionetta was published in the International Anthology Against Child Abuse.

Maria Mistrioti
She was born in Arcadia and lives in Chalkida. This city was also the place of her companion, the doctor, painter and sculptor Giorgis Mistriotis, who soon stepped out of her life, leaving a mark of scientific, social and artistic interest in her personality. She studied at the Faculty of Social Assistants and attended a journalistic seminar. The source of his inspiration is mainly the Homeric Odyssey. She has published collections of poems including Approaches (Cactus, 1985) and is a full member of the Greek Literary Society and a member of the judging committee for subscribers.

Markus Hediger
He was born in Zurich, where he studied French and Aesthetics Literature. France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Argentina are the countries where he stayed. He currently lives in his hometown. He has translated novels and short stories by Jacques Mercanton, Alice Rivaz and Yvette Z'Graggen into German, and poems by Nicolas Bouvier, Claire Krehenbahl, Jean-Georges Lossier and Georges Schehadé. In the French language, his poetry collections Ne retournez pas la pierre (1996), En deçà de la lumière (2009, Éditions de l'Aire), Vevey and Pour que quelqu'un de vous se souvienne (2013, Alla Chiara Fonte, Viganello) have been released. Several poems by Markus Hediger have been put to music, such as the lieder cycle L'Or et l'ombre (2011) by Greek Cypriot composer Constantinos Stylianou.

Milo De Angelis
He was born and lives in Milan, where he taught in a maximum security prison. He has published Somiglianze (Guanda, 1976); Millimetri (Einaudi, 1983); Terra del viso (Mondadori, 1985); Distante un padre (Mondadori, 1989); Biografia sommaria (Mondadori, 1999); Tema dell’addio (Mondadori, 2005), Quell’andarsene nel buio dei cortili (Mondadori, 2010), Incontri e agguati (Mondadori, 2015), Linea intera, linea spezzata (Mondadori, 2020). He wrote the short story La corsa dei mantelli (Guanda, 1979) and a volume of essays (Poesia e destino, Cappelli, 1982). In 2017 he published a book of interviews (La parola data, Mimesis, with DVD by Viviana Nicodemo) and with Mondadori the complete collection of his verses (Tutte le poesie 1969-2015). He has translated from French and the classical languages.

Guido Oldani
He was born in Melegnano (Milan), where he lives. He published in the main literary journals of the second half of the twentieth century, from "Alphabet" to "Paragone" to "Kamen". In 1985 he published the collection Stilnostro, with an introduction of Giovanni Raboni. He then published Sapone (“Kamen” 2001), La betoniera (Lietocolle 2005), Il cielo di lardo (Mursia 2008), Il realismo terminale (Mursia 2010). He has contributed to several anthologies, including: Il pensiero dominante (Garzanti 2001), Tutto l'amore che c'è (Einaudi 2003), Almanacco dello Specchio (Mondadori 2008), Antologia di poeti contemporanei (Mursia 2016), Poesia d'oggi. Un’ antologia italiana (Elliot 2016), Novecento non più (La Vita Felice 2016), Luci di posizione (Mursia 2017), Poesie italiane 2016 (Elliot 2017). For Mursia he directs the Argani series of poetry. He collaborates with the newspaper "Avvenire" and the online newspaper "". In 2019 he was honored with the International Poetry Award 1573 at the International Festival of Poetry & Liquor in Luzhou, in the People's Republic of China. He is the creator of the poetic movement Terminal Realism.

Fabrizio Dall’Aglio
Born in Reggio Emilia, he lives between his hometown and Florence, engaged in publishing activities. His poetry publications are: Quaderno per Caterina (Libreria Prandi, 1984), Versi del fronte immaginario (Libreria Prandi, 1987), Hic et nunc (introduction by Mario Luzi, Passigli, 1999), La strage e altre poesie (Il Girasole, 2004), L’altra luna (introduction by Mario Specchio, Passigli, 2006), Colori e altri colori (Passigli, 2014), Le allegre carte (Valigie Rosse, 2017). Among the awards he has been honored with, let us mention the "Montale" award, the "Camaiore", the "Ceppo-Proposals", and the "Roberto Farina" award. His collections of poetry have been translated into Spanish, Romanian, Slovenian and in the process of printing a volume in English for the Gradiva editions of New York.

Claudio Pozzani
He was born in Genoa, where he lives. His poems have been translated and published in various languages and have appeared in anthologies and magazines of contemporary international poetry. Among his books: Saudade & Spleen (Editions Lanore, 2000 – 2a ediz. 2002), Kate et moi (Editions La Passe du vent, 2002), La marcia dell’ombra (con CD, CVTProduzioni, 2010), Cette page déchirée (Editions Al Manar, 2012), Venti di Poesia (Libero di Scrivere, 2015), La marcha de la sombra (Verbum, 2016), Spalancati spazi (Passigli, 2017). In 1995 , he created and still directs the Genoa International Poetry Festival "Open Words". In 2001 he founded the “Stanza di Poesia” in Genoa, which organizes more than 150 events every year. Over the years he has organized numerous international poetry events in France, Finland, Belgium, Japan, Austria and Germany.

Riccardo Giuseppe Mereu
Since 2014 he has been living in Pavia, where he obtained a Master's degree in publishing. In 2018 he took part in in La piuma sul baratro, edited by the Little Museum of Poetry of Piacenza. In 2019 he took part in the last two editions of the Milan Festival "Cortili in Versi" with the monologue Tutte le idee nascono utopie, based on his sylloge L'acqua è seminale (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni), edited by the poet Elisa Longo. He is a member of the experimental performative group " Gli scrivani di Bartleby”.

Juan Carlos Abril
He was born in Los Villares, Jaén, Spain. He holds a doctorate in Spanish literature from the University of Granada, where he works as a professor. He has lived for several years in England, France and Italy. He has received numerous literary awards and has published the books of poems Un intruso nos somete (1997), El laberinto azul (2001) and Crisis (2007), brought together in 2013 by the publisher El Tucán de Virginia, entitled Poesia (1997-2007) and En busca de una pausa (2018). He has edited editions by authors including Luis Garcia Montero, J. M. Caballero Bonald, Francisco Brines, Antonio Deltoro, Fabio Morabito, Omar Lara, José Julio Cabanillas, and Victor Rodriguez Nunez. He also translated L'attimo dopo, by Massimo Gezzi and, together with Stéphanie Ameri, Le ceneri di Gramsci, by Pier Paolo Pasolini, and Gli indomabili, by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. His poems have been published in numerous anthologies and literary journals. He runs the magazine "Paraiso".

Jordi Virallonga
He was born in Barcelona and is a poet, essayist, translator and teacher. He has been a professor of Spanish literature at the University of Barcelona and president of the "Aula de Poesia de Barcelona" since its foundation in 1989. He was a Spanish lecturer at the University of Turin. He has lectured and recited poetry in various universities and cultural and educational centers in Europe, Africa, Asia and America. His poetry, written in Spanish and Catalan, is characterized by the irony and provocative tone with which he faces the discomfort of contemporary men and women, immersed in a frustrating reality that the poet denounces with words.

Maria do Sameiro Barroso
She was born in Braga, Portugal. She holds a degree in German Philology, Medicine and Surgery, from the University of Lisbon. She is presently a PhD student at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Department of Portuguese Studies. She is a member of the governing bodies of the Portuguese Pen Club, the Group of Friends of National Archaeology and the Center for the History of Medicine Museum of Physicians. Dedicating herself to poetry, she expanded her activity to the translation of German-speaking authors, essays and researchers in the context of the History of Medicine.

Francoise Roy
She was born in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada. She is a geographer, translator, writer, photographer, and poet. Since 1992 he has lived in Guadalajara, Mexico. She has published three novels in Spanish and French, 2 short story books, 14 collections of poems and has translated over 60 books. From 2000 to 2007 she was a contributor to the literary section of the cultural supplement "Acento" of the newspaper "La Voz de Michoacan". With other writers, in 2002 she founded and for 5 years she directed the monthly magazine of art and culture "Lucernario".

María Elena Blanco
A poet, essayist and translator, she graduated in the French language and literature (Hunter College, New York) as well as Spanish and Latin American literature (University of Paris-Sorbonne, New York University). Born in Havana, she lived in Cuba until 1961 and later resided in Argentina (Buenos Aires), the United States (New York), France (Paris and Haut-de-Cagnes), England (London), Chile (Valparaiso, Visa del Mar and Santiago), Kenya (Nairobi) and Austria (Vienna). From 1971 to 1973 she was a lecturer at the Catholic University of Valparaiso (Chile) and later participated as a researcher and speaker in academic symposiums in Europe and Latin America. For more than two decades, she worked as a translator at various UN offices and headed the Spanish translation section of the same organization in Vienna, Austria.

Victor Rodriguez Nuñez
He was born in Havana, Cuba. He is a poet, journalist, literary critic, translator and scholar. He has published thirty books of poetry throughout Latin America and Europe, and his work has long been the recipient of important awards throughout the Spanish-speaking world. He has recently received the coveted Loewe Poetry Prize in Spain. He has edited three anthologies defining his poetic generation, as well as another on 20th-century Cuban poetry La Poesia del Siglo XX en Cuba (2011). He is the author of several critical editions, presentations and essays on Spanish American poets. He is considered one of Cuba's most important contemporary writers, dividing his time between Gambier, and Ohio, where he is a professor of Spanish at Kenyon College, and Havana.

Marisol Bohórquez Godoy
Born in Santa María-Huila of Colombia, she is a painter and literary translator with a degree in engineering. She has published the following collections of poems: La soledad de los espejos (2016), Effetto farfalle-Efecto mariposa (2017), translation by G. Darconza, and Antipartículas-Antiparticelle (2019), in collaboration with Gianni Darconza. She has translated over a dozen poems of contemporary Italian authors. She has participated in international poetry festivals including Europa in versi in Como (Italy, 2019). She was invited to give lectures on Hispanic-American literature at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino and in various Italian cities. Part of her work has been translated into French and Italian. She resides in the United States of (North) America and collaborates with renowned poetry magazines.

Julio César Pavanetti Gutiérrez
Born in Montevideo, he is a poet and cultural activist. He belongs to the generation of young people who have suffered the rigors of the military dictatorship of their country. In a very difficult socio-political context, he decided to leave Uruguay. In 1977 he finally established his residence in Benidorm (Spain), where he currently resides. He is founder and president of the Benidorm Poetic High School and Honorary Vice President of the World Organization of Poets, Writers and Artists. He has participated in festivals and events and received awards as a poet and for his cultural activities. His texts have been translated into many languages and published in international magazines.

Mirna Ortiz López
She was born in Chile and has lived in Italy since 2015. She appreciates nature, literature, art and the cinema, themes around which her artistic research revolves, expressed both in poetic form and through photographs, drawings and engravings. Among the founders of Poetry and Discovery, she is vice president of the cultural association Path of Dreams, which edits, among others, the Creative Walks project. she has published the bilingual collection Ventanas / Finestre (I Quaderni Del Bardo Edizioni, 2018) and some of her poems have been included in the anthologies Torte e Poesie edited by Vincenzo (Newpress edizioni) and Affari poetici: I doni della poesia (Effigie edizioni). She has participated in various poetry festivals. Her poems have been translated and published in magazines and anthologies in English, Romanian, French and other languages.