Poetic happiness
13th Edition International Poetry Festival
Artistic direction of Laura Garavaglia
19, 20, 21 May 2023
Passeggiata Villa Olmo, Como
Via Sant'Abbondio, 12 Como
Missaglia (LC)
The theme of the International Festival Europa in Versi 2023 is "POETIC HAPPINESS", i.e., in relation to the present moment, poetry as the utmost expression of creativity and sublimation of the best energies of the human being, but also as the privileged place of an "inner happiness" rarely attainable by other means. Thanks to the poems and testimonies of the authors who will participate, coming not only from Europe, but from various countries around the world, the audience will be invited to reflect on the hypothesis of a utopia of Happiness that today seems to be more and more distant and that perhaps can be sought on levels other than those related to economic and public success.
Friday 19th may
Liceo A. Volta e Istituto Orsoline San Carlo
Meeting and dialog with poets (only for students)
The students will present videos, music, pictures, etc. inspired by the poets’ texts.
h. 11 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
Lecture Hall - Via Sant’Abbondio 12, Como
Meeting poets and students. Reading of poems and intercultural dialog.
Introduction by Laura Garavaglia and Roberto Galaverni.
Saturday 20th may
Liceo Teresa Ciceri
Meeting of “Europa in Versi” poets and students (only for students)
The students interpret the poet’ verses releasing their creativity.
Villa Gallia
Passeggiata Lino Gelpi, Como
h. 2.30 p.m. International Poetry Reading
Introduction by Roberto Galaverni.
Poets’ presentation by Laura Garavaglia and Andrea Tavernati.
Reading of the poets with the musical accompaniment of M° Tonino Scala.
Short theatrical plays from Compagnia Teatro Mumble.
Award cerimony of the winners of the 8th edition of “Premio Europa in versi e in Prosa”.
Presidents of the Jury: Poet Milo De Angelis – Prof. Gianmarco Gaspari.
Exhibition of the works of “I.S.I.S. P. Carcano” students inspired by the poets’ texts.
Audience’s reception by ENAIP Como students.
Free admission subject to availability
Sunday 21th may
h. 10.30 a.m. - 12 a.m.
Walking towards happiness with Pliny and the poets of “Europa in versi”
Poets read in historical and architectonical places of interest in the city of Como.
In cooperation with Sentiero dei Sogni Association.
Reservation required by clicking here
h. 5.30 p.m. Villa Sormani Marzorati Uva Piazzetta Sormani 1 - Missaglia (LC)
Reading of international poets in the park of the villa
(in the case of bad weather the reading will be inside the villa. Free admission while seats last)
From 3.30 p.m., as part of the program “L’Opera in Villa”, “The magic flute” by W.A.Mozart will be performed. Only available on reservation. Price info and pre-booking: +39 348 382 7240.
As always, Europa in versi will publish the Festival anthology published by I Quaderni del Bardo and edited by Andrea Tavernati, poet, writer and vice president of La Casa della Poesia di Como OdV.
lacasadellapoesiadicomo@gmail.com | +39 3711092926
Initiative implemented as part of the University of Insubria’s programme to promote cultural and recreational activities for students