On line on the website europainversi.org
Facebook page Europa in Versi
Youtube Channel La casa della poesia di Como
The theme this year will be "Poetry and Freedom", in all its multifaceted features , from the freedom to express in poetry feelings, emotions, ideas that belong to all men, without distinctions of culture, religion, and gender, to the freedom to travel in a world without barriers and borders, in mutual respect for each other's cultural identity. This is now felt to be a crucial issue, considering that people have felt the discomfort of living with severe restrictions on personal freedom due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
FRIDAY 9th OCTOBER from 6.30 p.m.
The Lake in verse: 15 poets from all over the world read their texts dedicated to Lario
The Festival will be introduced by illustrious personalities of the Italian cultural world, including the literary critic and journalist of Corriere della Sera Roberto Galaverni, the poet Milo De Angelis, one of the most significant voices of contemporary Italian poetry, also known internationally, and Professor Luciano Monti, professor of LUISS. Then there will be the video readings of 15 poets who have dedicated poems to our city and our lake, putting beauty into verse. The poems by foreign poets will be subtitled in Italian and on our site you will find all the biographies for those interested in learning more about the various authors.
In order of appearance in the video:
Giovanni Tesio (Italia)
William Wolak (USA)
Dante Maffia (Italia)
Marisol Bohorquez Godoy (Colombia)
Alessandro Quattrone (Italia)
Doris Kareva (Estonia)
Mauro Ferrari (Italia)
Annabel Villar (Uruguay)
Piera Mattei (Italia)
Taeko Uemura (Giappone)
Tomaso Kemeny (Italia)
Gili Haimovich (Israele)
Laura Di Corcia (Italia)
Marta Markoska (Macedonia)
Rosamaria Corti (Italia)
SATURDAY 10th OCTOBER from 3 p.m.
From East to West:video readings by 34 international poets, in a poetic journey
on the wings of freedom. Introduction by Andrea Tavernati
After a brief introduction there will be video readings by 34 international poets, voices of world poetry who will represent their country and recite verses dedicated to the sense of beauty and freedom. Even for these poets the videos will be subtitled in Italian and on the site you will find all the biographies for those interested in learning more about the various authors.
In order of appearance in the video:
Choi Dong-Ho (Corea del Sud)
Kim Kooseul (Corea del Sud)
Kieu Bich Hau (Vietnam)
Mariko Sumikura (Giappone)
Haydar Ergulen (Turchia)
Metin Cengiz (Turchia)
Tamer Oncul (Cipro)
Hussein Habash (origine curda)
Hussein Habash (origine curda)
Salim Babullaoglu (Azerbaijan)
Dmytro Chystyak (Ucraina)
Viorel Boldis (Romania)
Ion Deaconescu (Romania)
Valeriu Stancu (Romania)
Sandor Halmosi (Ungheria)
Jeton Kelmendi (Albania)
Nikola Madzirov (Macedonia)
Natasha Sardzoska (Macedonia)
Maria Mistrioti (Grecia)
Markus Heidiger (Svizzera)
Milo De Angelis (Italia)
Guido Oldani (Italia)
Fabrizio Dall’Aglio (Italia)
Claudio Pozzani (Italia)
Riccardo Mereu (Italia)
Juan Carlos Abril (Spagna)
Jordi Virallonga (Spagna)
Maria Do Sameiro Barroso (Portogallo)
Francoise Roy (Canada)
Maria Elena Blanco (Cuba)
Victor Rodriguez Nuñez (Cuba)
Marisol Bohorquez Godoy (Colombia)
Julio Pavanetti (Uruguay)
Mirna Ortiz Lopez (Cile)
at 5.00 p.m.
International Poetry Prize Europa in versi:
video readings by winners and finalists
at 5.30 p.m.
Europa in versi and young people: participation of the students of the University
of Insubria and Liceo Linguistico Orsoline San Carlo;
The resilience: video made by the students of the ENAIP Institute in Como
at 6.00 p.m.
Traveling on Lake Como with the poets of the Grand Tour
with Sentiero dei Sogni Association
The Festival will open with the video of the finalists and winners of the fifth edition of the International Prize for Poetry and Narrative Europe in verse, a competition that has been growing both for the new talents being discovered and for the quality of the texts. In fact, our Prize meant to stand out to give visibility to unknown talents in poetry and fiction, especially among young people.
Immediately after that, the videos made by the students of the University of Insubria will follow, who will read poems dedicated to the lake and the city of Como, written specifically by the poets who participated or will participate in the Festival. During the video readings, images of our lake and our city will flow through in a carousel of sounds and meanings with an international flavor.
Then there will be a video made by the students of the Orsoline San Carlo Institute, who have translated some of the poets participating in the Festival into various languages and will read various texts, always alternating them with images of our territory and then a video made by the students of the ENAIP Institute who have produced some poems on the period of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic and on resilience, in line with the title chosen for the Festival.
Finally, a "poetic" journey along the Lario will follow, designed as part of the Europe in verse Festival by Sentiero dei Sogni Association: it refers to the journeys undertaken in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by famous authors and cultural figures, the so-called Grand Tour. The places that these writers, poets and musicians visited along the lake will be shown in a video shot by some students of Liceo Teresa Ciceri.
In particular, we will retrace the route taken by the great English Romantic poet Percy Shelley with his wife Mary Shelley two centuries ago. They were so impressed by Lake Como that they included it in four works (Mary Shelly in the second edition of "Frankenstein", in "The Last Man" and in "Rambles in Germany and Italy", Percy Bysshe Shelly in "Rosalind and Helen: A Modern Eclogue”).